The Project Team and Collaborators

The Project team:

Prof. Zoran Vukic .: private pages :. Since 1 April 2009
Matko Barisic .: private pages :. Since 1 April 2009
Dr. Nikola Miskovic .: private pages :. Since 1 April 2009
Gyula Nagy .: private pages :. Since 1 May 2009
Antonio Vasilijevic .: private pages :. Since 15 June 2009
Dr. Bruno Borovic .: private pages :. Since 1 May 2010
Tomislav Lugaric .: private pages :. Since 8 July 2010


International collaborators:

Prof. Antonio M. Pascoal Instituto Superior Tecnico, Institute for Systems and Robotics
Dynamical Systems & Ocean Robotics Lab
Lisbon, Portugal
Massimo Caccia         Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerce, Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti per l'Automazione Genoa, Italy

Prof. Daniel Toal &

Dr. Edin Omerdic

University of Limerick, Marine Robotics Research Centre Limerick, Ireland
Prof. Giuseppe Conte Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartmento di Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale e dell'Automazione Ancona, Italy


Domestic collaborators:

Prof. Tatjana Bakran-Petricioli University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology

Dusan Kalember &

Marin Stipanov

Croatian Shipbuilding Institute Ltd., Systems & Process Control Dept.
Brig. prof. Dario Matika Institute for Research & Development of Defense Systems, MoD Republic of Croatia
Krunoslav Zubcic Croatian Restoration Institute, Min. of Culture Republic of Croatia